
Thursday, November 23, 2006

Effects Theory

The Frankfurt School...

The Frankfurt school was concerned with the impact of the rise of the media industires on society, they argued that the rise of the culture industry had increased stnadardistion within society. It done this through controling mass media. so realy The Frankfurt school creates their own values and ideologies through mass media.

The Hypodermic needle model...

The Hypodermic needle model demonstrates the effects of the media on their audiences. This model owes much to the supposed power of the mass media in particular film to inject the passive audiences with ideologies. Films such as Triumph of the will were most commonly seen in nazi propaganda films. So this is if anything is shown on television everyone should beleive it and not question it as it is shown on TV.

Violence in the media..

Violence in the media, in society the effects theory shows that dangers shown in the media such as violent scences, sex scenes and drug scenes influence people that watch it. People that watch it who are not media literate would usualy be influenced with what they see particulary children, so they want violence in the media to be cencored.

Cultivation theory...

Cultivation theory shows that is a single text does not have much effect, repeated exposure will make the audience less sensitive. This is now been called as being 'desensitised'.

Two step Flow...

Two step flow is the final development of the effects theory, this flow assumes a more active audinces, who will discuss media texts with each other.


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