
Thursday, February 01, 2007


M- the sun is a red top news paper, the reason that it is called a red top newspaper as the backgrond is red this allows consumers to be attracted to the newspaper as it is eye catching also this creats and identity of the paper as most red tops are tabloid. the main focus on the newspaper is of harry being a nazi with very litle text on the paper. there is also and advertisment of the for holidays starting from £9.50 this is also a good way to attract consumers as the colour of the advertisment gives a good look to the paper.
I- Rupert Murdoch who is the owner of the newspaper.
G- this is a newspaper which focuses on news and gossip. as it is owned by rupert murdoch it would have bias views.

R- the people that are being represented in this newspaper are white people as the central image is of Harry who is high class and people aspire to be like him, by showin him wearin a Nazi sign shows bad views. also the people that are being represented are middle class people as the advertisment in the newspaper appeals to them.
A- people that are intrrsted in gossip new thats going on however that have bias views.
I/V- the central image is of prince harry which is being focused on this and shws a patriarchal society.


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