Blumer and Kats expanded this theory in 1974.
DIVERSION...Escape from everyday problems and routines...
i think that this theory doesnt actuly apply to me because i hardly every watch TV such as soaps, whenever i do watch TV is usually things like Top Gear, Malcom in the middle and reali these sort of programmes i just watch it for entertainment.
PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS... Using the media for emotional and other interaction...
this doesnt apply to me either becuase i dont watch programmes and relate to what is going on. majority of things that are happning on TV are things that wouldnt apply to me. however mayb in a way as i see what does happen on TV and i know friends that may be going through the same things but thats about it.
PERSONAL IDENTITY...Constucting thier own identity from characters in media texts, and learning behaviour and values...
sometimes i can apply to this theory as when i see particular characters i can put myself in their shoes and see where they are comming from. for example i usualy identify with characters in Green street as when i watched this movie i felt like going out and starting a fight LOL
SURVEILLANCE...Information gathering, eg educational programmes weather reports, financial news, holiday bargins...
this is one of the theories that i do use alot, i usualy watch the news to see what is going on in the world as i like to be informed about it. thats realy what i watch to gather information.
Deins McQuail suggests a more detailed breakdown of audience motivation
to gather information i usualy watch the news to gather information about relevant events and conditions. i dunt actuly watch programmes to seek advice but when i do watch programmes i usualy get more information about other tops like when i watch documentaries.
when i watch documentaires i usualy gather more information about things. and also when i watch the news to be informed and learn about new things.
Personal Identity
when i watch TV i dont reinforce personal values as when i watch TV i just see what is going on i dont go in depth and think about what values they give, however when i do watch films that have alot of friends loyalties and family loyaties i do consider it but however i already hav these values. i dont have any models of behaviour as the programmes i watch dont have good model behaviours. i dunt identifiy with celebrities as i aint realy botherd about them.
Intergration and social interaction
finding a basis for social interation and converation is something that i would do depending on what i would watch the night before. such is prison break. i dunt think it relates to me in the term of social roles as i alredy have relationships to fufil this. i do get an insight into circumstances of others if the text is issue baised.
no dont find it a form of escapsim because i dont turn to media text to get me away from my problems, i turn to ma gal like ;)... i watch tv to get relaxed and to chill as if i had a busy day i would come home and jus sit infront of the TV. it dont fill my tym cause i actuli dont have the time to watch TV as im usualy out.